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Marquette Benefits and Social Welfare Law Review •

Wisconsin's 2011 Act 108, Legislative Inaction, and Severe Racial Disparity: A Recipe for a Fair Housing Violation

Taylor N. Haefele

Marquette Benefits and Social Welfare Law Review •

Wisconsin's 2011 Act 108, Legislative Inaction, and Severe Racial Disparity: A Recipe for Fair Housing Violation

Taylor N. Haefele

Harm Reduction Journal •

Meeting people where they are: implementing hospital-based substance use harm reduction

Rachel Perera, et al.

Environmental Science & Technology Letters •

Ratios between Radon Concentrations in Upstairs and Basements: A Study in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States

Longxiang Li, et al.

Journal of Concussion •

Youth sport parents’ familiarity and perceptions of concussion legislation

Sungwon Kim, Dainel P. Connaughton, John O. Spengler

Women's Health Issues •

Variation in Restrictive Abortion Policies and Adverse Birth Outcomes in the United States from 2005 to 2015

Sara K. Redd, et al.

The American Political Economy: Politics, Markets, and Power •

The City Re-center? Local Inequality Mitigation in the 21st Century

Thomas K. Ogorzalek

Public Health in Pharmacy Practice: A Casebook •

Harm reduction for people who use drugs: A life-saving opportunity

Alyssa M. Peckham & Lucas G. Hill

Sexuality Research and Social Policy •

Opinions About Abortion Among Reproductive-Age Women in Ohio

Mikaela H. Smith, et al.

BMC Health Services Research •

Racial/ethnic and educational inequities in restrictive abortion policy variation and adverse birth outcomes in the United States

Sara K. Redd, et al.

Open Journal of Psychiatry •

Police Emergency Commitment Powers in Cases of Persons Experiencing Mental Health Crisis in “Public Spaces”: Review of the Commitment Process in England and Wales, in Comparison to the Practice in the United States of America (USA)

Albert Mark Essaw Coleman

National League of Cities •

Tracking State Preemption 2019: The Pre-Pandemic Landscape

Spencer Wagner, Lindsay K. Cloud, Christiana K. McFarland

National League of Cities •

Consequences of State Tax and Expenditure Limits on Local Services

Erika Rosebrook

International Journal of Drug Policy •

Association between fatal opioid overdose and state medical cannabis laws in US national survey data, 2000-2011

June Kim, Silvia Martins, Dvora Shmulewitz, & Deborah Hasin

Journal of Addictive Diseases •

Attitudes toward syringe exchange programs in rural Appalachian community

Timothy Zeller, et al.

Treating Opioid Use Disorder in General Medical Settings •

Supporting Any Positive Change: Harm Reduction as an Integral Pillar of Opioid Use Disorder Treatment

Kimberly L. Sue

UpToDate •

Primary care management of adults with opioid use disorder

Tiffany Lu, Aaron Fox, Melissa Stein

Substance Use & Misuse •

Consider the Source: Associations between Syringe Sources and Risky Injection Behaviors in California’s Central Valley

Robin Pollini, Jenny Ozga, Dallas Blanchard, & Jennifer Syvertsen

Substance Abuse and Addiction •

Modeling Hepatitis C Elimination Among People Who Inject Drugs in New Hampshire

Andrew Blake & James Smith

University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository •

Whiteness, Discipline, and Educational Disadvantage: A Case for California Schools

Dow Drukker

Advancing Women's Health Through Medical Education: A Systems Approach in Family Planning and Abortion •

Integrating Abortion Training into Advanced-Practice Clinician Programs

Katherine Simmonds, Amy Levi and Joyce Cappiello

Journal for Human Rights and Social Work •

The Case for Considering Renter Insecurity as an Indicator of Federal Fair Housing Progress

Giselle Routhier

Race and Social Problems •

Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation by Family Structure and the Presence of Children in Metropolitan America

Samantha Friedman, Colleen Wynn & Hui-shien Tsao

JAMA Network Open •

Association of Travel Distance to Nearest Abortion Facility With Rates of Abortion

Kirsten M. J. Thompson, Hugh J. W. Sturrock, Diana Greene Foster, Ushma D. Upadhyay

University of California, Irvine •

Housing Crisis in the Private Rental Sector: Explaining Tenants' Actions and Decisions When Facing Housing Challenges

Edith Medina Huarita

The University of Arizona •

Doctors, Documents, and Diagnostic Disparities: Essays on the Economics of Mental Health

Kelli Marquardt

Feminist Formations •

From Broken Windows to Broken Homes: Homebreaking as Racialized and Gendered Poverty Governance

Susila Gurusami & Rahim Kurwa

Housing Policy Debate •

Preventing Evictions After Disasters: The Role of Landlord-Tenant Law

E.L. Raymond, T. Greean & M. Kaminski

Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology

Christine Tartaro

International Journal of Drug Policy •

Is the severity of the Great Recession's aftershocks correlated with changes in access to the combined prevention environment among people who inject drugs?

Akilah Wise, et al.